Thursday, 29 January 2015

Dinosaurs on Wheels...

Year 1

It has been a very dramatic week in Year One... there was a dinosaur invasion on the playground! When we went out to investigate, we found muddy footprints and bones everywhere! We wrote about what we discovered:

Laithe 1M.

Then Miss Heywood asked us to find out more about the dinosaurs that were roaming around on the playground. We went to see if we could identify any of them and then recorded our findings:

 Ivo 1D

On Tuesday we went out on a journey around school to look at different objects. We then used our ideas to write a narrative.


Year 2
We spent the week planning and writing our own narratives using Quentin Blake’s Mrs Armitage on Wheels for inspiration.

Amy chose to start her narrative using a question to draw in the reader’s interest. She also used a range of descriptive sentences to allow the reader to build up an image of the main character as they read. In the following sessions Amy will revisit  her work to edit spellings, punctuation or word choices to build on her initial narrative.  

Amy 2F

Thank you for reading our blog. Please leave a comment, we would really like to know your opinions about our work.


  1. This is fantastic Year 1 and 2! We have been really impressed by your use of the outside space and it looks like you have been very inspired by your outdoor learning.We were particularly impressed by Amy's use of a drop-in clause in her narrative writing! 5G

  2. Wow, Year One! We're really impressed by the range of learning you have been doing relating to dinosaurs, and especially your use of question marks!

    Year Two - your learning looks fascinating too! We would love to see Amy's uplevelled writing. 6R
