Thursday 4 December 2014

Penguin Reports and Diary Writing...

Year One

This week in Literacy we have been developing our comprehension skills. We watched a clip from a documentary about emperor penguins and then used our reasoning to answer questions about what we had seen and heard.

 Daniel 1D

We have also been busy creating our own non-chronological reports about emperor penguins.

Lennon 1M

Year Two

This week we have been developing our diary writing skills. Using James Mayhew's book Katie in London for inspiration, we assumed on the role of Katie to write an entry about our fantastic adventure in the capital.

Maten has started to write his diary including key features such as an opening phrase and use of the first person. To extend his writing he should now think about using different time connectives to add detail to his diary entry.

 Maten 2F

After watching a video clip of WW1 soldiers playing football on Christmas Eve, Ethan wrote a diary account, detailing the events of that night.

Ethan 2S

Thank you for looking at our blog, please leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Well done choosing a better word for big: huge. Rachael (4E)
