Thursday 11 December 2014

A glowing nose and burning buildings ...

Year One

This week in literacy we have continued our learning about non chronological reports and wrote a fact file about Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. We started the week by brainstorming and planning our report:

Nikol 1D

We then used this information to help write our fact file:

In science we were set an investigation challenge. Inuit teddy needed a new hat that would keep him warm and dry. So we set about testing different materials to see if they were waterproof or not:

We conducted a fair test and recorded our findings:

 Pranav 1M

Year Two

We have continued to improve our diary writing skills. We assumed the role of Samuel Pepys and wrote a diary describing the events of The Great Fire of London. Here is Phoebe’s start to the diary:

Phoebe 1D

Phoebe has used descriptive sentences drawing on the senses to set the scene for the reader. She has described the sounds and sights of London during the first night of the fire. Phoebe has also reread her work with her learning partner Grace to edit and up-level her sentences in green pencil. To extend her diary entry Phoebe could now draw on other senses to add to her description of the night’s events.

This week 2D wrote instructions on how to build a 17th century house using a cardboard box:

Alina 2D

Thank you for looking at our blog, please leave a comment!


  1. Julia, well done for including all of the features of a non chronological report. We particularly liked how you varied your writing by using a punctuation mark. Next time maybe you could improve your work by using cursive writing.

  2. Dear Phoebe,
    We really liked how you used your commas and exclamation marks for your punctuation.
    Next time maybe you could write the word for the number instead the numeral.
    From 1M
