Friday 19 September 2014

Poetry Week

This week Year 1 have been exploring the poem I Cannot Go To School Today by Shel Silverstein. We have recited the poem in a variety of voices and created actions to accompany it.

Here is 1D performing their favourite verse:

Using the poem's structure for inspiration the children wrote their own verses.

Success Criteria
  • Listen / read the poem.
  • Look at highlighted word.
  • Think of an alternative.
  • Write in full sentences.
  • Always success criteria  (capital letters, full stops, writing on the line).

John 1A

Viola 1M


This week Year 2 have been looking at Dinosaur themed poetry. We used our bank of ambitious vocabulary to write a class poem.

 Success Criteria
  • Simile
  • Adjectives
  • Repeated phrases
  • Rhyming
  • Always success criteria (capital letters, full stops, writing on the line).

The children worked in small groups to create a line for their class poem.

Thank you for taking the time to look at our blog. Look out for more fantastic writing next week!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Welcome back to the Grove Academy!


This half term's learning focus for our blog is writing, and our wonderful wordsmiths have already been producing some cracking compositions. We are really excited to share these with you over the next few weeks, and the children love receiving feedback so comments are very welcome. Before you submit one, please take a few seconds to read the blog rules below.


In Year 1, our theme for this half term is Brilliant Bodies, and we will be writing a short poem about reasons why we can’t go to School when we are poorly. This will help build our vocabulary in preparation for our story writing. We will also be labelling different parts of our bodies using adjectives to describe them.


Meanwhile, Year 2 will be learning all about Dinosaurs, and are looking at various poems to build up their vocabulary. They will be reading Katie and the Dinosaurs with the hope of writing their own narrative, as well as creating a fact file about a fictional dinosaur.


Keep checking back for regular updates!

The Year 1 and 2 Team


Blog ground rules

1. Children welcome your suggestions but please keep them polite and positive

2. Children should use their first name only when leaving comments, and optionally their class too. Adults could comment with their name or, for example, Mum/Dad/Nan of [child's first name] in [child's class]

3. Please write in full sentences - no text speak!


Comments will be moderated by a member of staff (please be patient!) and will not be published if they break the above rules.


Thank you!