In year 1 this week we have been
learning about ordinal numbers and positional language. On Thursday, the children used characters
from the narrative Curious George and the Hot Air Balloon to use positional
language to explain where the characters are.
The pictures show us using
puppets to say where George was on the Trim Trail.
“George is on top of the beam.” Child in 1F
The children worked in groups to sequence the story of Katie in London.
They created a story mountain and put the 5 main parts of
the text in order.
They then worked to retell the narrative using story
As an extension, the children were given two extra images
to sequence into the story mountain.
- 5 main parts (opening, build up etc)
- verbs
- adverbs
- varied openers
- generalising words
- language bank
- story language
“The children were exhausted” Marie-Ann
“Suddenly they heard a huge groan” Mia
“All of a sudden the grey statue turned gold
… he was alive!” Ivo
“He looked at them sadly” Lea